Request a Meal Plan Here

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  I live in an on-campus apartment.  Why is my meal plan not working?  I thought I was supposed to be automatically assigned one.

A.  Only students who are assigned to dorms are automatically assigned one.  Students assigned to on-campus apartments are not automatically assigned one because they are not required to have one.  They are more than welcome to select any of the 6 meal plans that we offer, but they must make the request on our online portal.  Click button above to go to the online portal.


Q.  I’m not assigned to a dorm, but I had a meal plan last Spring semester that just passed, shouldn’t I have been signed up for the same meal plan this Fall 2022 semester?

A.  No.  We are in a new fiscal year.  You need to make a request for a meal plan this Fall semester.  If you are still here for the following Spring semester, you will be assigned the same meal plan that you had in the previous Fall semester.


Q.  I’m at the dining hall right now, and I just signed up for a meal plan, is there a way that I can start using my meal plan right now?